Commission for Justice Peace & Development
The Diocese of Quilon
This commission coordinates the social activities of the Latin Church of Kerala through the Diocesan Social Service Societies. Though most of the activities are undertaken by the diocesan social service societies the JPD commission of KRLCBC represents the Latin Church in the Kerala Social Service Forum (KSSF). Therefore the secretary of the KRLCBC Commission for JPD is by office the associate secretary of KSSF. The activities of some departments like environment, agriculture, fisheries, tribal development, dalith development, etc., which may be commissions in some dioceses and departments in others, are addressed by the JPD Commission. This commission is concerned with the integral social development of the people through social development activities, promotion of dialogue and networking with various development agencies, liaisoning and negotiation with various government departments and non government agencies, and involving in peace-building and liberative activities.
Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Very Rev. Msgr Baiju Julian