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Commission for Justice Peace & Development

The Diocese of Quilon

This commission coordinates the social activities of the Latin Church of Kerala through the Diocesan Social Service Societies. Though most of the activities are undertaken by the diocesan social service societies the JPD commission of KRLCBC represents the Latin Church in the Kerala Social Service Forum (KSSF). Therefore the secretary of the KRLCBC Commission for JPD is by office the associate secretary of KSSF. The activities of some departments like environment, agriculture, fisheries, tribal development, dalith development, etc., which may be commissions in some dioceses and departments in others, are addressed by the JPD Commission. This commission is concerned with the integral social development of the people through social development activities, promotion of dialogue and networking with various development agencies, liaisoning and negotiation with various government departments and non government agencies, and involving in peace-building and liberative activities.

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Very Rev. Msgr Baiju Julian

Commission for Labour

The Diocese of Quilon

A vast majority of the Latin Catholic population of Kerala belong to the ordinary labor class. Among them more than 90% are in the unorganized sectors. This reveals the importance of the Commission for Labor. This commission organizes the people according to their jobs and occupation. The commission tries to make sure of the welfare of the working class people. It helps the workers to get registered in the welfare societies and boards of the government. It also helps the workers in healthy unionizing. The commission helps the labor class to understand the dignity of labor and the rights and duties of the laborers. It helps the workers to engage in nation building with self esteem and pride. The commission keeps itself in connection with national and international labor organizations.
The Kerala Labor Movement (KLM), a registered labor organization, is promoted by the commission in all the Latin diocese of Kerala. Through KLM various trade unions are registered and those trade unions help the members to obtain their rightful benefits from the government and other agencies. The labor forums registered by KLM thus far are:

  • Construction Workers’ Forum (SNTU)
  • Kerala Tailoring Workers Forum (KTWF)
  • Kerala CherukidaThottamTozhilali Forum (KCTTF)
  • Kerala Domestic Workers’ Forum (KDWF)
  • Kerala Agricultural Workers’ Forum (KAWF)
  • Kerala Motor Transport Workers’ Forum (KMTWF)
  • Kerala Fish Workers Forum (KMTF)
  • Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishment workers Forum (KSCEWF)
Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. Jijo Jose

Commission for Health

The Diocese of Quilon

The commission for health functions in a dual dimension. It focuses primarily on the health of the individuals, and secondly on the health institutions of the Latin Church of Kerala. On the individual side the commission focuses on creation of health awareness, helping to adapt preventive measures, improving personal and social hygiene, etc. On the institutional side the commission coordinates the small and big health institutions owned and operated by different agencies in the Latin Church of Kerala. It develops periodic health policies for the people of the Latin Church of Kerala taking into consideration their specific life situations. It also tries to make available life saving medicines and treatments at an affordable cost. The commission works in collaboration with various other organizations and agencies in the health care sector of the state and nation. The commission cooperates with the government in the community health initiatives and fighting against epidemics.

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr John Britto

Commission for Migrants

The Diocese of Quilon

The Commission for Migrants deal with the welfare of Migrant people. The main thrust of the commission is to give pastoral care and support for the people who are working outside Kerala and people who came to Kerala. During the pandemic the Commission Collaborated with State Government and tried to provide shelter centres for the people returned to Kerala from Abroad.
The Commission has Conducted various online meetings with Migrants in different Countries we expressed solidarity and support to the people who were stranded and Isolated due to the pandemic.
In 2021 the Commission constituted and expert committee to study the concerns and problems of Migrants and submitted the report to the JB Koshy commission constituted by State Government to study the problems of Christian Minorities in Kerala.

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. Jose Puthenveedu

Commission for Temperance

The Diocese of Quilon

Use of alcohol and illegal drugs are on the increase even among children and teenagers. Considering this dangerous situation in the society the KRLCBC formed a commission to fight against the menace in the Church and the society at large. This commission works in close collaboration with the KCBC commission for temperance. It conducts awareness programs for children, youth and specific age and occupational groups. It organizes retreats and spiritual programs focused specifically for the addicts. It also gives lead to social agitations against the dangerous liquor policies of the governments from time to time. It also promotes rehabilitation centers for liquor and drug addicts. The commission supports those who come out of the addictions through forming their support groups, helping them to find decent jobs, healthy immersion in to the society, etc.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. Milton George

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