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Kerala Latin Catholic Association (KLCA)

The Diocese of Quilon

Kerala Latin Catholic Association (KLCA) is a forum of lay people of Latin Catholic Church of Kerala with a vision of integral development of Latin Catholic Communities of Kerala, irrespective of cast and creed in general, based on Christian principles. They take initiative and leadership in the Community day celebrations in the parish.

Every human person craves for appreciation and recognition in his social life. Recognizing the necessity of felicitating our community members at the moments of their great achievements the association has always been at the fore front with words and deeds of appreciation. It also encourage the youth to achieve government jobs rather than going after private sectors which lures them with huge salary but hides the danger of insecurity.

It also concentrate in spreading and inculcating catholic ideologies and principles through social contacts and media, to safeguard and protect the socio-political issues of the community by bringing them before ruling government in accordance with the common policies of K.R.L.C.C. and to plan and implement programmes that are needed for the growth of the society in educational, Social, political and economic spheres.

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. George Sebastian

Commission for Women

The Diocese of Quilon

The commission for women works in collaboration with the Women’s commission of CCBI, CBCI and KCBC, and animates in the Latin Church of Kerala all the activities proposed by the respective higher bodies. This commission coordinates different women’s organizations functioning in the Latin Church of Kerala. It is concerned with the empowerment of all categories of women in the church. The commission gives various trainings, both spiritual and social, to the women. It is concerned with the educational, social, economic, political and cultural development of the women. It also attends to the vocational training and placement of women in different jobs. The commission motivates and encourages the women to rise in the ladder of bureaucracy, legislature, and judiciary. The major organization for women that works with the commission is Kerala Latin Catholic Women’s Association (KLCWA).

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. Jolly Abraham

Dalit Catholic Mahajana Sabha (D.C.M.S.)

The Diocese of Quilon

DCMS works for the Dalit community in the Diocese. We are providing them with assistance for housing, marriage, education and promoting social and cultural developments. We conduct group programs, cultural activities, leadership training programs, career guidance program and camps for students, youth and elders. They also make gatherings to conscientize them about their rights and privileges from the part of government.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr Arun J. Aradan

Pontifical Mission Organization (P.M.O.)

The Diocese of Quilon

As a worldwide network of prayer and charity to support the works of evangelization and missionaries around the world, the four Pontifical Mission Societies are ever conscious that they are meant to be existing for the mission of the Universal Church at the service of the Holy Father involved in the missionary engagement of the entire people of God.
Each Pontifical Mission Society works for greater awareness and zeal for the mission ad gentes of all the baptised, through prayer, missionary animation, information, formation, co-operation and personal sacrifice. All our mission-programmes are co-ordinated with utmost care so as to ensure solidarity and oneness among all local Churches, especially the young Churches in the mission-lands.

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. Arun J. Aradan

Jesus Fraternity

The Diocese of Quilon

The specific goal of this ministry is the overall welfare and integral development of prisoners and their families, their victims and their families with the hope for a crimeless and peaceful society, being at the greater service of God, holding high the sacrificial and compassionate love of Christ who died a criminal’s death. Activities of Organization are Prison visit, Liturgical and spiritual celebrations in prison, Legal and parole aid, Rehabilitation, Work and counseling program in prison, Cultural and Recreational programs.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. Filson Francis

Vicent De Paul

The Diocese of Quilon

To serve and journey with the poor and marginalised, regardless of their race, nationality and religion, bringing them hope for a better life and a better future.

We live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor, and striving to deepen our faith via action meeting real needs. We listen and serve with love and compassion. Humility in accepting the truth about our frailties, gifts talents and charisms, yet knowing that that entire God gives us is for others and that we can achieve nothing of eternal value without His grace. Gentleness in friendly assurance and invincible goodwill, which means kindness, tenderness and patience in our relationship with others. Selflessness in dying to our ego with a life of self sacrifice; members share their time, their possessions, their talents and themselves in a spirit of generosity.

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. Silvy Antony

Legion of Mary

The Diocese of Quilon

The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. Persons who wish to join the Legion must apply for membership in a Praesidium. The Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish. Every legionary is required to carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary. The Legion aims to bring Mary to the world as the infallible means of winning the world to Jesus and legionary service is based on the doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ so that in their fellow members and in those they serve, legionaries seek to have the Person of our Lord once again seen and served by Mary, his Mother. The general and essential means by which the Legion of Mary is to affect its object is personal service acting under the influence of the Holy Spirit, having Divine Grace as its moving principle and support, and the glory of God and the salvation of souls as its final end and purpose.

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Very Rev. Msgr Baiju Julian


The Diocese of Quilon

A confraternity is generally a Christian voluntary association of lay people created for the purpose of promoting special works of Christian charity or piety, and approved by the Church hierarchy. The religiosity of the members and their desire for a personal reward in the afterlife were reflected in confraternity activities, such as assisting with burials by donating burial robes or monetary payment, attending the burial mass, volunteering in the local hospitals, organization of and participation in religious feast days, giving dowries for local orphans, selling and preparing bread used for local religious holidays, escorting the condemned during the inquisition, burying the dead during epidemics and other charitable acts as deemed appropriate by the confraternity members or parish priest.

Bishop’s House Quilon, Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Very Rev. Msgr Joseph Sugun Leon

Holy Childhood

The Diocese of Quilon

Holy childhood is an International Organization of Catholic Children who follow child Jesus.  In 1843 Bishop Charlz D Forbinal, Bishop of Nancy diocese in France founded this organization and it is now bloomed well through prayers, sacrifices etc.  With the motto of “Let Children help children”, children participate in Saturday Holy Qurbana, prayers & Bible classes to build themselves up in a spiritual life.  By hearting word of God & ejaculatory prayers is one of their goals. Praying for the unwanted children, doing sacrifices,  collecting funds for orphans and visiting orphanages, children in communities, homes for the disabled, refuges, and those living on the streets. Thus they wish to make the love of Jesus know everywhere. It generates curiosity in the children to know the biographies of the Saints and thus they try to follow their path.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr. Rijo Paul


The Diocese of Quilon

A key focus of Christian Living Communities (CLC) is to help residents flourish through meaningful relationships in comfortable and enriching surroundings. Our senior living communities are places where residents feel known and appreciated. Community life is vibrant with celebration, as well as restorative with quiet respite and individualized care. We strive to re-fire the senior living experience for each individual, no matter where they are in their aging journey.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Fr Francis John

Family Unit

The Diocese of Quilon

BCCs being the miniature form of the Church, all the ministries are facilitated and coordinated in the BCC level. BCC units consists of 20 to 30 families, meet regularly in their families and pray, share and discuss social, educational issues related to their lives. It is an effective platform to coordinate the pastoral activities of the parish. Since they come together regularly in the unit meetings, they become aware about the needs of others and dispose themselves in helping others. The units take turns to prepare the liturgies and participate all the parish activities basing on the units decisions. Their representatives are there in the parish pastoral council which make the council to discuss the issues related to their lives. The ministry bodies are also strong in the parish. All the units will have ministry representatives and they will form a separate body which takes the initiatives to discuss the ministry wise concern like education and social action. Their representatives will be there in the council. The three tire system is there in a parish. Parish pastoral and finance council, secondary level is that of ministry bodies and the third level is the BCC units.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007
Rev. Adv. Jose Sebastian

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