Holy Cross Hospital

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Holy Cross Hospital

Holy Cross Hospital, Kottiyam, Kollam is a premier centre in the field of medical service in the state of Kerala.

The Hospital is run by the society of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, completes 54 years of its glorious existence in the field of health care. I am thankful to God, to the people and to our pioneer sisters who toiled day and night, did small things with much love for its growth and excellence. The Holy Cross Hospital has always been going beyond medicine, adopting newer trends, introducing newer technologies,advanced treatment thus to bring holistic healing to the individual patients. The Hospital with all the specialties provides excellent service and bedside care at affordable cost. The Doctors, Sisters, Nurses and Staff stand always together committed to build up, protect and nurture the team work and dedicate themselves to the cause of the sick & suffering and follows the spiritual and ethical character of the institution. The general atmosphere of the hospital complex is gracefully fascinating with its panoramic landscape and pollution free surroundings. Meticulous cleanliness, best patient care and the most updated modern technology are other striking features of the hospital. With the opening of the five-storied Golden Jubilee Block Building, infrastructure of the hospital has received a big boost to stand on equal footing with any other super specialty hospitals in Kerala.

The greatest asset of the institution is its staff and whatever the hospital has achieved is done with the staunch support and active co-operation from its staff , efficient and disciplined team of Doctors. Their innovative spirit helps a lot in offering unique ways treatment to the public. It is also an abode of relief to the poor and marginalized who otherwise may have been subjected to traumatic experiences because of their impoverished conditions. WE strive to uphold the biblical dictum "When ever you did this to the least of your brethren you did it to me" Hospital extension services to the village's covers 30 Km' s around the Hospital.The Hospital team conducts free mobile clinics also provide preventive care, conducts Medical camps, clinics with priority to mother and child immunization Eye camps and vacation camps for the benefit of the school children in the rural areas. Its contribution in the medical educational sector also has been of the highest level.Dip. N.B. in General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynaec and Obstetrics and ENT. Compulsory Rotating Internship Programme for doctors , Post-Basic B.Sc Nursing, and Basic B.Sc Nursing Course (INC Recognized). General Nursing and Midwifery Course (INC Recognized), Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician Course., Diploma in Medical Radiographic Technician Course (CMAI). Bachelor of Medical LaboratoryTechnology (B.Sc. MLT), Bachelor of Medical Imaging Technology (B.Sc. MIT), Practical Training for Pharmacy Students (Recognized by Pharmacy Council)

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