St. George’s Church

Forane: Kottiyam
Parish Priest: 4
Assistant Priest:
St. George’s Church Mylakkad Kannanalloor P.O. Kollam-691 576
Phone No
0474 2519091
Liurgical Timing
Sunday Worship
Mylakkad is a serene laidback place adorned by the lush green paddy fields. Christians from different parts of the Diocese migrated to this place for cultivation in the beginning of the last century and settled down here. They had to traverse on foot to Pullichira Church for Sunday worship. In 1930, Rt. Rev. Aloysious Maria Benziger, considered the difficulties of the faithful and put up a shed in Mylakkad where holy ceremonies were conducted. In 1949, it was declared a separate parish. The present beautiful Church was blessed on March 8, 1998. Mylakkad is blessed with a vibrant community which has raised its standard of living to enviable levels.