St. Joseph’s Church

Forane: Kadavoor
Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. George Robinson
Assistant Priest: Rev. Fr. Edwin Manual Mendez PMI
St. Joseph’s Church, Kureepuzha, Perinad P.O, Kollam, 691 604
Phone No
0474 2702285
St. Joseph'schurchkureepuzha@gmail.com
Liurgical Timing
Daily mass
Sunday Mass
Sunday Catechism
Kureepuzha was part of Aravila parish. People lived in two villages separated geographically by Ashtamudi Lake. There was an oratory here since 1939. The glory of Kureepuzha began when Fr. Sebastian Nazareth Mallissery started the novena to St. Joseph. People from far and wide frequented this place on Wednesdays for blessings. Kureepuzha was bifurcated from Aravila in 1969. A small chapel was provided for Holy Mass. Kureepuzha was erected a parish on July 1, 1980. A Church was built and blessed on March 15, 1981. This Church was pulled down to build the present elegant Church that was blessed on March 3, 2019. The feast of St. Joseph on March 19 is a glorious day when tens of thousands of people gather at this place to celebrate the feast and partake in the Agape meal. The procession of St Joseph through the backwaters is a splendid sight. A Convent of Pious Workers of St. Joseph offers spiritual service. They have also established an English medium High School (Maria Agnes ICSE High School). The Sacred Heart School (CBSE) conducted by CJ Foundation is also at the service of the people.