Commission for Bible
The Diocese of Quilon
- Participation of children, youth and adult in the annually conducted Logos Bible Quiz
- The organization of Bible study and Bible sharing in parishes, institutions and dioceses
- The establishment of Bible schools or colleges in the diocesan level
- The promotion of distant education of Bible in vernacular and English
- Bible Kalolsavam

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Rev. Dr. Linson K. Aradan



Commission for Liturgy
The Diocese of Quilon
Liturgy being the central reality of catholic faith and life the commission for Liturgy plays a pivotal role. It oversees the proper and dignified celebration of the liturgy in the diocese
- The responsibility of providing para-liturgical texts when and where it is needed.
- The liturgical formation of the Latin community of the diocese.
- Church Choir
- There is a Liturgical research wing that assists the commission.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Bishop of Quilon

+91 474 2796 140


Commission for Catechetics
The Diocese of Quilon
This is a commission that traditionally functions systematically in the Church. But in the new scenario of participation and co-ordination it is trying to bring all the dioceses of the region work hand in hand with the common vision: “coordinated and innovatively updated Catechetical Mission to build up generations in Christ”.
- To empower the various categories of faith formators and the parents to work together for imparting to the generations, especially the younger, the values of the KINGDOM with a missionary thrust, and thus build, promote and defend their personality.
- Proper conducting of Sunday Catechesis
- Vacation Bible School
- Activity Based Catechesis (ABC)
- Home/BCC based Catechesis
- Making available necessary text books and work books for students, guides and hand books for teachers/animators
- Special formation packages for Holy Confirmation, Mentors for Counseling and Student Leaders, etc. employing various possibilities of print, audio-visual and other media.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Rev. Dr Linson K. Aradan



Commission for vocations, Seminary & Clergy
The Diocese of Quilon
This is in fact a commission that deals with three different aspects.
- The promotion of vocations to priesthood is a prime concern of the commission.
- Taking care of the minor seminaries
- The commission cares for the diocesan clergy
- It provides opportunities for common inter-diocesan gatherings of priests
- Upgrading the knowledge base and skills of the priests
- Ongoing formation of diocesan clergy.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Very Rev. Fr Zion Alfred



Commission for Religious
The Diocese of Quilon
The commission for religious manages the matters concerning the vocation, formation, and ongoing formation of men and women religious in the Latin Church of Kerala.
- Creates an opportunity for common coming together of all the religious congregations.
- Organizes various trainings, study classes, workshops, and seminars for the religious.
- Brings together the authorities of the religious congregations at various levels from major superiors to local house superiors for common sharing of hopes and dreams, problems and issues, challenges and opportunities.
- Promotes the functioning of CRI units.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Vicar General

+91 474 2796 140


Commission for Proclamation
The Diocese of Quilon
This commission coordinates and motivates the evangelization activities of each diocese.
- Organizes the conventions of preachers from all the 12 dioceses of Kerala.
- Proposes trainings for various groups of ministers like preachers, music ministry, spiritual counselors, out reaches etc..
- Organizes retreats and Bible conventions in parishes and institutions.
- Promotes mission trips and exposure programs for those who are interested.
- The activities of the Catholic Charismatic Movement in the Latin Church of Kerala are also coordinated and promoted by the Commission for Proclamation.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Rev. Fr Arun J. Aradan



Commission for Ecumenism
The Diocese of Quilon
Unity of all Christians was the prayer of Christ. The Church continues the mission of unity among various Christian communities unceasingly.
- Leadership for the annual ‘Church Unity Octave’ prayer in January.
- Organizes seminars and workshops on unity among churches involving different Christian denominations.
- The commission continues the theological dialogue with other Christian churches especially of the western origin.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Rev. Fr Abhilash Gregory



Commission for Dialogue
The Diocese of Quilon
In a world of multiple religions, the existence of any religion is coexistence. Mutual dialogue among religions leads to deeper mutual understanding. Keeping this in mind the Catholic Church has always been open to dialogue with other religions. In the modern days the Church not only advises but mandates its members and different bodies to carry on the dialogue with other religions and even with non-believers. This commission religiously carries out the mandate of the Church in Kerala where different religions live together.
- Organizes common prayers, common social activities, study groups, dialogue cells etc..
- Promotes healthy relationship between the leaders of different religions through common gatherings, mutual visits, and serious dialogues.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Rev. Fr Joe Antony Alex



Commission for Theology & Doctrine
The Diocese of Quilon
The commission for Theology and Doctrine brings together all the scholars in different disciplines in the Latin Church of Kerala and makes use of their knowledge and expertise for the welfare of the Church.
- Encourages the scholars to contribute positively by bringing out books, giving lectures, classes, workshops etc on different topics to different categories of academic community in the Latin Church and outside.
- The commission is at special service of the bishops in particular matters concerning any discipline of Theology or Philosophy.
- The commission organizes periodic meetings of the scholars in different disciplines.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Rev. Dr Rolden Jose Jacob



Commission for Canon Law
The Diocese of Quilon
This is a commission dealing with the legal frame of the Church.
- Brings out simplified information about various laws and legal disciplines of the Church for the ordinary people of the Church.
- Provides necessary legal support (canonical) within the frame work of the Church to the people of God.
- Organizes various trainings to different groups of people holding different offices in the Church.
- Mediates between the lay people and the canonical experts of the church.
- Makes official translation of the legislative texts produced by the Church into English and local language for the use of the ordinary people.
- Along with the commission there is also the ‘Canon Law Society of Kerala’, which is a society with members who are specialized in canon law. It provides assistance and advice to the bishops when needed. The society keeps the scholars upgrading their knowledge base through annual gathering, different topic-based seminars and workshops.

Bishop’s House Quilon Tangasseri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Pin: 691007

Rev. Fr Christopher Henry